Note: some data is purely for testing

Some of the data on this instance of the site is present for testing purposes. This includes fictional 2029 results. If you only want to see real results, please go to the production site.


This page shows all results that have been declared so far, in reverse chronological order of when they were added to the site. (This isn't necessarily the same as the declaration time.)

This page does not automatically reload. While you can manually reload it at any time to get the latest results, the live results page is more appropriate for the task, particularly on a mobile device: it only shows a limited number of results, with a briefer format, and automatically refreshes every 10 seconds.

Result summary

Results declared: 2.

2019 (notional)200372848012782010010
Pre-2029 4041217294447521111311
2029 (so far)001100000000000648

Constituency results

Constituency2019 party
2019 majority
2024 party2024 MP2024 majorityPre-2029 2029 party2029 MP2029 majorityResult time
Aberdeen NorthSNP14210 (28.34%)SNPKirsty Blackman1760 (4.18%)SNPLDDesmond Bouse1000 (2.94%)04:00
Aberdeen SouthSNP5463 (10.90%)SNPStephen Flynn3758 (8.10%)SNPSNP03:00